Featured Songs
Your Child's Name Can Be In One Of These Songs Of Your Choosing! Play and listen to the videos below, select the one you like the most, and make your personalized order!Welcome, Baby

This song filled with words of affirmation welcomes the baby into the family. It expresses joyfulness and is a great gift choice for a newborn!
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My Protector

This song is about God’s protection over the baby’s life. It has a prayer section and words of affirmation to your baby.
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My Treasure

This song is a declaration of love full of words of affirmation to the baby. It is a great gift option to add to other songs. You will love this song!
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Sleep My Baby

This song with a sweet, calm, and relaxing melody is a great way to lull the baby to go to sleep. Filled with words of affirmation, it is also a great choice for the newborn!
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